
Membership Benefits

  • Unlimited borrowing of all drama and arts curricular and extra-curricular resources and thousands of one-act plays, full length plays, musicals, monologues, readers theatre, improv, and more!
  • Member rates for Conferences.
  • Access to student programs such as the SDA Playwriting Competition, SDA student conferences, and workshops.
  • Free curricular and extracurricular workshops and webinars plus access programs, i.e., New Initiative Grant and Diversity Grant.
  • Free PD for directors, writers, festival participants, hosts, and adjudicators.
  • Access to unique programs, i.e., Regional, Middle Years, Provincial and Virtual Theatre Festival. These are uniquely developed for Saskatchewan participants.
  • Free access to all SDA publications including Drama Llama Newsletter.
  • E-mail Q&A to the Provincial Office to answer your drama related questions.
  • Volunteer opportunities.
  • Drama Mentorship programs.

Membership Applications

The Saskatchewan Drama Association offers three levels of membership: Adult Membership, Associate Membership and Post-Secondary Membership.


Entrance Scholarships

The Saskatchewan Drama Association is a Provincial Cultural Organization and Professional Growth Network of the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation. Our mission is to promote the growth and development of youth drama in Saskatchewan and to promote professional development through communication and drama development programs.

To facilitate the delivery of our mission, SDA provides two $1000.00 Entrance Scholarships. 

  1.  Entrance Scholarship:  An eligible SDA student member graduating from Grade 12 and continuing their education in a post-secondary institution with a major area of study in Theatre/Drama or Theatre/Drama Education.
  2. SDA Indigenous Entrance Scholarship: An eligible Indigenous SDA student member graduating from Grade 12 and continuing their education in a post-secondary institution with a major area of study in Theatre/Drama or Theatre/Drama Education.

All applications must be received by June 30, 2023.

Terms of Scholarship:

  • Have a membership in the Saskatchewan Drama Association for a minimum of one year. A student must be a participant in a SDA drama program, such as Regional Festival, in order to qualify for membership.
  • Demonstrate a minimum grade 12 grade point average of 75% by either providing a school-certified copy of your High School Transcripts sent directly from the school, or an original copy of your High School Transcripts sent to the Saskatchewan Drama Association.
  • Submit a completed SDA’s Entrance Scholarship application form
  • Submit a letter addressed to SDA’s Scholarship Committee explaining the applicant’s interest and experience in drama/theatre and two letters of reference from teachers/directors.
  • To be eligible to apply for the Indigenous Entrance Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria: First Nations (status and non-status), Inuit, and Metis high school students.
  • Within one year, submit a copy of the letter of conditional admission or admission from the post-secondary institution of choice that offers degrees/diplomas in theatre/drama or theatre/drama education.
  • Funds will not be forwarded until SDA has received official proof of registration.
  • After receiving the required proof of registration, funds will be forwarded directly to the post-secondary institution indicated on your application after September 1st of the year of your application.
  • Only the successful applicant will be notified.

Remember to Arrange for the Following:

  • certified copy of your High School Transcripts or and an original copy of your High School Transcripts. High School Transcripts can be obtained in person from: Office of the Registrar, Minister of Education, 1840 Lorne Street, 2nd Floor, Regina, SK S4P 2L7 , or online:
  • Your letter addressed to SDA’s Scholarship Committee explaining your interest and experience in drama/theatre.
  • Two letters of reference addressed to SDA’s Scholarship Committee explaining your experience and suitability for this scholarship.
  • A copy of your conditional admission or admission from the post secondary institution.

Note: If you are selected to receive SDA’s Entrance Scholarship, you will be required to send proof of registration as received by you from your post-secondary institution.

If you require more information, please contact SDA’s Provincial Office:
Phone: 306-525-0151